The Friends meet p e r i o d i c a l l y , a p p r o x i m a t e l y monthly, at 7:00pm, usually in the Community Room at the Church, to plan and organise fundraising and other events and to discuss funding needs. There is no fixed committee membership so if you would like to be involved just give us a call and turn up! For information on church events, service times and for contact details for church matters, please visit St Mary’s own website at A Church Near You. Next Meeting . The next meeting will be the AGM held on Thursday 11th July 2024 in St Mary’s church starting at 7.00pm, followed by a Business Meeting Everybody welcome. Minutes of the last and all previous meetings can be found in the Archive . The Friends of St Mary’s, Bacton is a registered Charity No 1106579. By using this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions Site by Andy Last updated 2nd July 2024
The Friends of St Mary’s is a wholly secular organisation with the sole objective of raising funds for maintaining and improving the church building and promoting it as a village asset. We receive no financial support from either church or parish organisations. We rely entirely on donations and the money we are able to generate from our fundraising activities. Every penny we raise is spent on this objective.
Any amount you are able to give, large or small, helps us to achieve our objectives and is greatly appreciated.
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Buy tickets for our events or raffle tickets for a chance to win one of the fabulous prizes on offer whilst supporting our work.