Events and Activities To meet the challenge of maintaining the church building, an ongoing and expensive business for a fifteenth century traditional flint and mortar parish church, the Friends need to maintain a steady flow of income. We raise funds by collecting donations and by holding events which make money. We have staged 2 Pantomimes with the Friends of St Georges, Cotton, put on 5 concerts, 15 Metal Detecting Rallies, our single most successful fundraising activity, as well as Quiz Nights, Wine Testing evenings, garage sales and various occasional events. We also organise educational events, particularly with local schools and encourage the use of the church building for secular activities. Whilst some outside funding and grants are available, there are many competing demands for them. The Friends exist, in large part, to raise funds for those jobs that may not qualify for complete funding from outside or where immediate attention is required to prevent a small problem escalating into a big one. To date we have raised over £125,000 but we are always looking for new ideas for raising funds and for individuals to help at our events. If you are willing to help at any events or have an idea for a fundraising activity please contact us or come to our next meeting. You can contact our secretary or membership secretary who will be very pleased to tell you all about the Friends. Visit the Membership page for further details.
The Friends meet p e r i o d i c a l l y , a p p r o x i m a t e l y monthly, at 7:00pm, usually in the Community Room at the Church, to plan and organise fundraising and other events and to discuss funding needs. There is no fixed committee membership so if you would like to be involved just give us a call and turn up! For information on church events, service times and for contact details for church matters, please visit St Mary’s own website at A Church Near You. Next Meeting . The next meeting will be the AGM held on Thursday 11th July 2024 in St Mary’s church starting at 7.00pm, followed by a Business Meeting Everybody welcome. Minutes of the last and all previous meetings can be found in the Archive . The Friends of St Mary’s, Bacton is a registered Charity No 1106579. By using this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions Site by Andy Last updated 2nd July 2024
Quiz Night October 2022 Summer Fête 2023 Blackwood Choir Clarinet Concert 2023 Christmas Concert 2023 Village Fete 2024 D-Day Commemoration Concert 2024