The Friends meet p e r i o d i c a l l y , a p p r o x i m a t e l y monthly, at 7:00pm, usually in the Community Room at the Church, to plan and organise fundraising and other events and to discuss funding needs. There is no fixed committee membership so if you would like to be involved just give us a call and turn up! For information on church events, service times and for contact details for church matters, please visit St Mary’s own website at A Church Near You. Next Meeting . The next meeting will be the AGM held on Thursday 11th July 2024 in St Mary’s church starting at 7.00pm, followed by a Business Meeting Everybody welcome. Minutes of the last and all previous meetings can be found in the Archive . The Friends of St Mary’s, Bacton is a registered Charity No 1106579. By using this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions Site by Andy Last updated 2nd July 2024
Summer Concert by The Blackwood Clarinet Choir
On Friday 2nd June 2023, the Friends of St. Mary’s presented a Summer Concert by the Blackwood Clarinet Choir . The church resounded to the magnificent sound of fifteen clarinets as they played a varied programme of music from both well-known and not so well-known composers. See the full programme here. We were also privileged to hear the premier performance of a piece by the Choir’s musical director, Keiron Anderson, as well as other compositions of his. The audience were both surprised and enthralled by the sounds of clarinets of all shapes and sizes and the evening finished all-too-quickly with everyone having enjoyed the evening tremendously. The event raised nearly £900 for the Friends of St. Mary’s which will be put to good use for the maintenance and improvement of St. Mary’s church.