Metal Detecting Rally 2017
The Friends of St Mary’s would like to thank all the detectorists who supported the event, helping us to raise much-needed funds for the maintenance of St Mary’s Church. Our particular thanks to the landowners for their kind permission to hold the event on their fields and allowing us to set up a tent city and car parking for over 100 cars.
The 2017 Metal Detecting Rally got under way under a watery sun on a cool September Sunday morning with some 210 detectorists registered travelling from far and wide. “Tent City” housed registration and finds identification, somewhere to buy tea, coffee, bacon rolls and burgers as well as somewhere to chat and compare finds whilst sheltering from the occasional shower.
Rain late in the day made for something of a challenge when it came to leaving the car park. Fortunately, two kind tractor drivers managed to extricate most of those who couldn’t make it out under their own steam! We hope everybody enjoyed the day but we would value any feedback
By the end of the day 97 finds had been recorded including hand-made nails, pottery fragments, some iron or bronze items, buckles and buttons as well as a good crop of assorted coins. The “Find of the Day” initially puzzled us but has since been identified as a late bronze age razor.
The Friends meet p e r i o d i c a l l y , a p p r o x i m a t e l y monthly, at 7:00pm, usually in the Community Room at the Church, to plan and organise fundraising and other events and to discuss funding needs. There is no fixed committee membership so if you would like to be involved just give us a call and turn up! For information on church events, service times and for contact details for church matters, please visit St Mary’s own website at A Church Near You. Next Meeting . The next meeting will be the AGM held on Thursday 11th July 2024 in St Mary’s church starting at 7.00pm, followed by a Business Meeting Everybody welcome. Minutes of the last and all previous meetings can be found in the Archive . The Friends of St Mary’s, Bacton is a registered Charity No 1106579. By using this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions Site by Andy Last updated 2nd July 2024